Watch Out for Pet Loader® Knock-Offs
Hello friends and fans!
We’ve been made aware of multiple, unfortunate situations in which our logo and imagery are being used without our permission to sell knock-off variations of our products. Please be aware of these sites/retailers and be mindful of the following red flags:
- Items offered at very deep discounts
- Items offered for $20
- Product links that do not go directly to
Your faith in our products and service is paramount to our ability to continue to deliver the high-quality products that we create. We value each of you and want to avoid any situation where a false product has been purchased or expectations have not been met by circumstances outside of our control. We continue to do our best to report these sites and have them removed. Thank you all for your support and trust in us! If there is ever any doubt, please send us a message or call us at 877-275-4870.
Bob & Evon Whalen
Owners and Creators of Pet Loader®